If you cannot find an answer to your question below, go to the contact us page and drop us a call or email.
Don’t just take our word for it; we encourage you to check us out fully before working with us.
Better Business Bureau
Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce
Dun & Bradstreet
Google Businesses
We regularly audit various government agencies for unclaimed funds owed to people like yourself.
Once you sign our contingency fee agreement, we will be happy to disclose where the funds are located!
The governmental agencies we audit typically do not post these unclaimed funds accounts online. You are welcome to search state unclaimed funds websites, but if you find funds there, these are not the ones we're informing you about.
Most of the assets we locate aren't available by searching the internet, and without the aid of a company like ours, it is unlikely that the agency holding them will notify you of their existence.
Just give us a call! We're here to serve you Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM EST. Call (877) 798-6888 today.
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