The ThriveStar Group, LLC is a team of professionals based in Florida dedicated to locating unclaimed funds. If you've received a call or letter from us, it is because we've discovered funds held by the government that may belong to you.
We understand the intricacies of government agencies in the states where we operate. If a government agency is holding your funds, we know how to reclaim them! Since the government may eventually seize your funds after a certain period, it is best to have experts on your side.
Our mission is to prevent unclaimed funds from being 'escheated' to government agencies, ensuring that your money remains yours. We are committed to auditing government files and documents to identify unclaimed funds and reuniting them with their rightful owners. At ThriveStar Group, LLC, we believe in protecting your financial assets from being unfairly taken by the government.
Our vision is to empower individuals to reclaim the unclaimed funds we've discovered for them. Imagine the possibilities with an unexpected payday—everyone can benefit from extra money, especially in today's economy. We are dedicated to ensuring that these funds don't end up with the government but rather in the hands of their rightful owners.
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